Leading and Managing

Leading and Managing


Leadership may be formal when exercised by an individual with legitimate authority conferred by position within the organization or informal when exercised by an individual who does not have a specified management role.

Nursing Management


Leadership Theories

Behavioral Theory

Behavioral Theory

Behavioral Theory

System 4 Management-based on increasing levels of employee involvement in decision making: 4 levels emerge. Autocratic leaders allow no involvement, benevolent leaders are kind but allow no involvement, consultative seek advice on decisions, while participative value involvement.

Behavioral Theory

Fiedler’s Contingency Theory

Leadership is structured by three aspects of a situation:

1. Leader-member relations or the confidence entrusted to the leader

2. Task structure or the ease vs. complexity of a given task

3. Position power or authority

Productive leadership is contingent on the situation.

Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Theory

Vroom-Yetton Expectancy Theory

House’s Path Goal Theory

Contemporary Theories

Contemporary Theories

Contemporary Theories


Power: Sources

Power: Sources

Power: Sources



Influence is the control over the attitudes and behavior of others. Influence, in the positive sense, is based on honor, respect, loyalty, and commitment. Influence, like any source of power, can also be abused by using it for exploitation.


Authority is legitimate power determined by the organizational structure. Authority involves rules, roles, and relations. Rules legitimize authority. Role is position or office with authority  inherent in the position, not in the person. Relations are related to credibility, obtained through experience.

Kinds of Power


Empowerment is allowing for the participation of others in decision making in an atmosphere of equality and sharing. It is power “with” rather than “over” others. Empowered employees tend to be satisfied, productive, and innovative.


Signs of Powerlessness

Management Functions

Interpersonal Roles

Informational Roles

Decisional Roles

Contemporary Model

Managerial work occurs on the levels of information, people, and action.At the information level communicating and controlling are the focus. At the people level, leading and linking are the focus. At the action level, doing is the focus.

Levels of Management

Levels of Management